What's so great about flossing?

Dentist Blog

Your family dentist has probably advised you to floss your teeth daily as part of your teeth-cleaning regime, and it's quite possible you've ignored this advice. What are the benefits of flossing that make dentists so keen to recommend it? Prevents plaque Flossing helps prevent the build-up of plaque on the teeth by reaching parts of the surface of the tooth that your brush can't get to. It is very easy for small pieces of food and other debris to get stuck between the teeth, which can contribute to the build-up of plaque.

27 July 2018

From Infection to Extraction: Is It Safe to Extract an Infected Tooth?

Dentist Blog

In the long distant past when dentistry was less advanced, there was no alternative but to extract infected teeth. Alarmingly, back in the 1600s, unqualified but experienced individuals would extract teeth with just a pair of pliers. However, as painful as it was, extracting a tooth in that manner would often save someone's life.  Back then, tooth infections were around the sixth leading cause of death in London. The short answer to your question then is yes, it is safe—safer at least than leaving an infected tooth untreated.

10 July 2018

How to Make Sure That Your Clear Aligners Do Their Job

Dentist Blog

In pursuit of the perfect smile, many people are ready to take whatever steps are necessary and will often ask their dentist how they can deal with teeth that are not in their right place. This type of misalignment can build up over the years and can only be rectified through the use of dental braces. However, recent developments have made the process a lot easier to deal with, allowing patients to remove the devices if needed, for practical purposes.

12 June 2018

Are Your Teeth Crazy? What You Need to Know About Craze Lines

Dentist Blog

You might think that you misheard your dentist. Did they just say that your teeth are crazy? It's more likely that they actually told you that your teeth have craze lines. You might have even noticed them yourself, which could be the reason for visiting your local dental services provider. These vertical lines which can form on your teeth can vary in their noticeability, and develop gradually. So if one day you look in the mirror and begin to suspect that there are vertical lines running down your teeth that seem to be becoming more prominent, then it's time to learn all about craze lines (and of course, what you can do about them).

18 May 2018

Two Steps You Can Take to Minimise Your Risk of Gingival Recession

Dentist Blog

Gingival recession (otherwise known as receding gums) can drastically increase your chances of experiencing serious dental problems, including chronic tooth sensitivity and tooth loss. As such, it's important to take steps to minimise your risk of developing this issue. Here are two ways to do this. Be careful about how you brush your teeth Your tooth-brushing technique can play a significant role in your chances of developing gingival recession. For example, moving your toothbrush from side to side can push your gum line upwards.

12 April 2018

Tips for Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Your Smile

Dentist Blog

Cosmetic dentistry has the potential to boost your confidence and transform your smile. As one of the first features others notice about you, your teeth are worthy of a little extra attention from time to time. However, before you opt for a procedure, take a step back to consider what you will benefit from. Factors such as your budget, what you need to change, and underlying dental concerns will affect which cosmetic dentistry procedure is right for you.

19 March 2018

Reasons You May Be Developing Receding Gums

Dentist Blog

If you look in the mirror and find your teeth looking different from usual, chances are you may steadily be developing receding gums. The reason why you may not be entirely aware that this is happening is that the process is subtle. As a result, you may have an inkling that something is not right but you cannot put your finger on why your teeth appear strange to you. Nevertheless, it would be advisable to see your dentist so they can determine whether this is happening and have it remedied before it escalates.

23 February 2018