Why Small Gaps Between Teeth Can Lead to Tooth Decay

Dentist Blog

Have small gaps begun to appear between your teeth? Then you should take special care to ensure you clean those areas thoroughly. Small gaps, especially those between crooked teeth, become food traps. Since these areas are hard to see and reach with a toothbrush, there is a risk that tooth decay could develop between your teeth. But, first, why does it happen? Why do spaces form between teeth that were once close together?

12 June 2019

4 Indicators That You Are Brushing Your Teeth With Too Much Force

Dentist Blog

From a young age, your parents teach you that you should brush your teeth twice a day. Doing so ensures that plaque and food debris cannot build up on your teeth and lead to tooth decay. However, one thing that many people aren't aware of is that brushing your teeth too aggressively will eventually do more damage than good. Do you suspect that you have been brushing your teeth with too much force?

12 June 2019

Have You Checked Your Child's Mouthguard At The Start Of This School Year?

Dentist Blog

The start of each school year brings with it a long list of needs for your child. Stationery supplies, schoolbag, lunchbox, water bottle and uniform are all items that parents seek to replace. But when was the last time you took a closer look at your child's sports mouthguard at the beginning of the school year? As school sports and other outdoor activities become popular again, now is the perfect time to inspect your child's mouthguard, and here are three reasons why.

29 January 2019

Are Antacids Damaging Your Teeth?

Dentist Blog

If you get a lot of acid indigestion, then you may take antacids regularly. These medicines can keep your indigestion at bay and, as an added bonus, they help keep acid out of your mouth and away from your teeth where it can cause erosion damage. However, when you mention to your dentist that you take a lot of antacids, they may not be that happy. They may ask you to modify your antacid intake.

2 January 2019

Why Students Shouldn't Leave Wisdom Tooth Removal Till The Last Minute

Dentist Blog

When you're a busy student, the pain and discomfort you feel from an impacted wisdom tooth can seem secondary to everything else you need to do—from studying to socialising. However, if you do think you need your wisdom teeth removed, it's always best to prioritise your dental health and get it done sooner rather than later. Here are four reasons why. Waiting Could Mess With Your Grades  If you wait until your wisdom tooth pain gets severe to get it removed, it could have a serious effect on your grades.

3 December 2018

The potential risks of sharing a toothbrush

Dentist Blog

From a young age, most people are taught the importance of having a toothbrush and regularly brushing their teeth. There are many cases where you may misplace your toothbrush, forget to carry it on a trip or it becomes damaged. While it may seem convenient to simply borrow a toothbrush from a friend or family member, sharing toothbrushes has many different risks. Your toothbrush is a useful tool used to prevent decaying teeth, prevent gum diseases and remove harmful bacteria from the mouth.

26 September 2018

What to Do When Wisdom Teeth Get in the Way

Dentist Blog

Over time, much has changed about the human body in terms of evolution. However, some parts of the body still represent a throwback to ancient days and may not be of much use to modern-day humans. If you're going through pain associated with what are euphemistically known as 'wisdom' teeth, then you may agree with this statement, especially as there seems to be little use for these spare molars today. Be that as it may, what can you do to alleviate your suffering and move on with your life?

28 August 2018