Watch Out For These Signs That Could Mean You Need a Root Canal Treatment

Dentist Blog

If the root canal of your tooth is infected, the bacteria can be removed by either extraction or root canal treatment. A root canal treatment is a dental procedure involving the removal of infected pulp or nerves from a tooth. This removal is followed by sealing to protect the tooth from future pain. Risk factors for infections in your tooth pulp include recent dental procedures, cracks in your teeth, large fillings, or severe tooth decay.

25 January 2016

Dental Tips: How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

If you wake up with tooth or jaw pain, you might be grinding your teeth while you sleep. There are many causes of teeth grinding, from stress and anxiety, to having too much caffeine before bed or an involuntary response due to the alignment of your jaw. Unfortunately, it can damage your teeth's enamel and even crack a crown or other dental restoration. Here are some tips for putting a stop to the grinding.

7 January 2016